The Done List

Here we are winding down 2023. Instead of thinking about what we didn’t get to or the goals we didn’t quite reach yet, can we sit down and think about all that we have already accomplished? 

We tend to be really hard on ourselves for not getting to ALL the things, but the reality is that we are always going to have more to do. We only have a limited amount of time and energy. It goes without saying that we will never get to everything on the list.

However, we sometimes fail to acknowledge just how much we get done every day. Many of us make changes that matter in our lives and in the lives of others on a daily basis. These may be small, incremental changes, but they move us forward. They are the things that enrich and nourish our families. They are the things that help us live meaningful and fulfilling lives.  

There are so many ways we can overwhelm ourselves by thinking we need to do more. We then start to feel like we aren’t doing enough or being enough. When can we tell ourselves that we have done enough? 

Maybe there is a level of self-compassion involved in knowing that it is okay to not get it all done. It is okay to put aside some things so that we can do the more important things that matter - to get to the priorities. It is okay to not commit to everything and to slow down a bit. 

So how do we know what is important for us to get done? That is the big question…and it isn’t always a straightforward or clear-cut answer. 

One thing that I like to continuously ask myself is whether a task, engagement, activity - whatever it is that is taking my time and energy - is helping me work towards my mission, values and goals. It is not always a direct yes or no, but it is a starting point. It gives me some direction and focus. Sometimes it helps me gain a different perspective as well. 

Then, I think that it helps to take a look at what I have done and reflect on whether it was in line with my mission, values and goals. I ask myself: 

  • How am I living my mission and values?

  • What steps have I already taken to get to my goals?

  • What can I change moving forward? 

  • How will I acknowledge my accomplishments along the way?

As we are coming to the final weeks of 2023, I challenge you to make a list of what you are proud of and what you accomplished so far this year. The things on this list don’t have to be earth-shattering…consider all the day to day activities that keep you going, the small acts of kindness, the fact that you got up and faced the day! Think about the people you have helped, the things you have learned, the places that you have been. Look through some of your photos and the things on your calendar. I am willing to bet that you will find you did a lot more than you give yourself credit for!

This is a list for YOU. This is to remind yourself that you are accomplishing things on a daily basis that matter. This is to acknowledge that the small things add up over time. It is also a way to reframe your thoughts - to think about all that you are doing, not what still needs to get done!

I would like to acknowledge Oliver Burkeman and his book “Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals” (specifically the appendix pages 238-239) for contributing to my idea for this post. 

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Piecing Together the Whole You


Reflection Time