Cost of Over Committing

Are you a mission-driven helper? 

Are you so committed to serving others that maybe you are ignoring your personal life? 

Do you find that your mental or physical well-being are put on the back burner?

In my 20’s and early 30’s, I put so much into my work and serving others that I didn’t have time for a personal life. I really believed that if I loved my work, it would create my happiness. 

For a long time, I felt I was fulfilled by my work even though I was getting home after 8 pm many evenings and working on the weekends. 

Things only changed when I met my partner in my mid-30’s. Suddenly, I was looking at my life and what it could be outside of work. My work - no matter how gratifying and fulfilling it seemed - was taking a toll on my personal happiness and well-being .

I finally realized how much of my personal life had shrunk to make space for my professional life. That is when I KNEW something HAD to change!

You may be like me, and when you are committed you are ALL in. You don’t put just a piece of yourself into what you do. It is an all or nothing situation. You probably think about work both inside and outside of work and nothing ever really stays “at work”. 

In fact, you are so passionate about helping people that you tend to overdo it and put in a lot more time and energy into things than your friends and colleagues.

What is the problem with over committing and overdoing?

You start to put aside what is important for YOU and your well-being. You forget to take care of YOURSELF and your NEEDS. You don’t have the capacity to continue on in a sustainable way.

As a result, you can’t be there for the people you are helping.

Over commitment and overdoing it will lead to frustration, anger and resentment. Relationships suffer as a result of you being so committed and willing to put your whole self into everything else. Your effectiveness at work and in your personal life can suffer. 

Ultimately, the impact of what you are trying to do - all the things you were passionate about - will suffer. This is what can ultimately lead to burnout.

It is possible to contribute to others and yourself at the same time. It looks different at every stage of life and as time progresses your needs, values, and priorities change. Knowing what is right for you is something that you have to constantly be aware of and work towards. 

This is a continuous personal development process and something that can’t be ignored.

I know that I want to sustain my well-being and still make an impact on my clients. But I don’t want to give up the things I enjoy and what fulfills me in life because I am putting so much into my work that I forget what I need and value.

The truth is that EVERYONE has a right to physical and mental well-being along with the time and energy to do what they enjoy in life. 

Taking care of your own needs ultimately helps improve your impact and what you are able to do with your time and energy. 

Thanks for reading this far! If you want to explore ways to align your time and energy with your values through coaching, I encourage you to sign up for my email list and keep an eye out for upcoming events and periodic tips. 

I specialize in coaching mission-driven helpers who are overwhelmed, overcommitted, and often frustrated because they feel they aren’t doing enough for the people they serve. I want my clients to be able to live a life where they can find joy and fulfillment, and are able to take time to serve themselves WHILE they are serving others!

To schedule a time for a complimentary and confidential call to find out more about coaching, please click here.


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