What Brings You Joy?

As you rush off into your day and begin checking the things off your to-do list, is there anything that you can think of on that list that brings you a sense of joy? 

I am guessing you don’t include “feel joy” on your to-do list…but what about the moments in between all the everyday tasks of life? Where does the joy lie?  

There is a good possibility that you will go through the day and not think about joy, what brings you joy, or what makes it even important to incorporate into your day. 

Why not? Maybe you are too busy or maybe it just slips past you because you are not really taking time to be in the moment. Maybe you have so many other things going on in your mind that you feel it, but forget that you had a feeling of joy show up.  

If joy doesn’t show up organically throughout the day, maybe there are other ways to cultivate it.

Is there something from your life that brings a smile to your face any time you think about it or see it or hear it? Is there someone (or a pet) in your life that brings you joy? 

There have definitely been moments in my life that have brought me a feeling of joy. Can I tell you precisely what those moments were or the exact day or time they occurred? 

I probably can’t, but I can honestly say that the more I start to think about the small things that I just take for granted or the moments I let pass by unnoticed are in fact some of the things that bring me joy each day. My hot coffee, my cat snuggling next to me, a walk in the sun. 

I can’t always pinpoint exact moments or places that brought me feelings of joy. There are subtle things like certain sounds that are soothing or reminiscent of good times. Songs that bring back memories or the waves crashing on the beach. These things make me smile. 

Certain mementos, sounds, tastes, or smells can give you that feeling of joy or can bring you back to a time and place that was meaningful to you. 

Why does this matter?

Sometimes as you get caught up with the busy-ness of life, you may forget to sit with some of the small moments of joy. You may not give yourself the time to reflect on those joyful moments. 

I am willing to bet that you are able to talk about all of the moments in life that frustrate you and make you angry, but I think you can just as easily focus on those moments that bring you joy. 

Those meaningful moments - moments of joy - are what can give you the momentum to move forward. Even if you aren’t totally conscious of when they are happening, they help boost that positive energy inside. 

All around my home I have photos, rugs, trinkets of places I have traveled. These subtle reminders are a part of my day and quietly give me that little feeling of joy whenever I walk past them. They help bring me back but also help me think about what I like to do, who I cherish, what makes life fulfilling. 

What does joy mean to you? What does it look, feel, smell, sound or taste like?

Is there anything, anyone, or a piece of a memory that brings you that feeling of joy?

What brings a smile to your face or lifts your spirit up?

Maybe you can’t exactly explain or recreate what it is that brings that feeling of joy but you know it is there. 

Identifying something that brings you joy is helpful because being in a positive headspace allows for growth. I also believe that understanding what brings you joy has a role in clarifying what you want more of in your life. It can impact your actions, state of mind, and how you approach everyday situations.

For me, it is important to understand what brings me joy because I want to continuously try to incorporate more of that feeling into my day. It makes such a difference in how I interact with people, in how I get things accomplished, and in how I am approaching life in general.

Even if I can just get some small moments of joy, it makes a big difference!

Rather than taking these moments for granted or letting things that bring you joy go unnoticed, ask yourself what you want to have more of in life to bring you that feeling of joy? 

What can you spend your time doing that will help cultivate joy - even if it is a small way? 

I challenge you to list ten things that bring you joy. Feel free to let me know what you come up with! 

You can email me at dani@danichoicoaching.com any time - I would love to hear from you.

Thanks for reading this far! If you want to explore ways to align your time and energy with your values through coaching, I encourage you to sign up for my email list and keep an eye out for upcoming events and periodic tips. 

I specialize in coaching mission-driven helpers who are overwhelmed, overcommitted, and often frustrated because they feel they aren’t doing enough for the people they serve. I want my clients to be able to live a life where they can find joy and fulfillment, and are able to take time to serve themselves WHILE they are serving others!

To schedule a time for a complimentary and confidential call to find out more about coaching, please click here.


Cost of Over Committing


Feeling Behind